Chocolate Mint, a Strong Peppermint Cultivar |
One of the joys of loving real food is the adventure of new taste sensations. Once your tastebuds re-awaken to the myriad delights of real herbs and spices, tangy pickled and fermented vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains that are not doused in salt and chemical preservatives, a whole new world opens up.
Paging through a magazine to avert waiting-room frustration two days ago I stumbled on a recipe that sounded like such an odd combination I had to run right home and try it: Mint pesto. Better yet, mint pesto served over strawberries.
Seeing the title of the recipe I immediately thought they were using the word 'pesto' loosely and that the ingredients would be mint and sugar, or something of that ilk. But no, it was basically a simple pesto recipe substituting mint for basil. I had made sage pesto before as a condiment for winter squash, but I could not for the life of me envision how mint and garlic were going to taste blended together.
Here's how I assembled it:
1 cup of fresh peppermint or chocolate mint leaves (I used the latter)
1/4 cup almonds (milder flavor than the traditional pine nuts or walnuts--cheaper, too)
1/4 cup mild grated parmesan cheese
1 garlic scape, woody bits removed (because these are in season; a clove or two of garlic would do)
Place all in blender and pour in enough light olive oil to let the blender mix it all together into a thick paste.
I served it with freshly sliced strawberries and Greek-style yoghurt; a nice neufchatel cheese with crusty bread would be another option. The result: fascinating. I'm not used to mint as a savory, rather than sweet, flavor. The mint oils and garlic create a lingering taste sensation that is tangy and energizing while at the same time so odd and different as to make you stop in your tracks and think about it.
As an anti-dote to slavish meat-and-potatoes, oatmeal-on-oatmeal with a side of fries dining, that's really not a bad thing. Cut loose this Independence Day and try a new flavor of real food. It just might start a culinary revolution.
Mint Pesto with Greek-style Yoghurt and Fresh Strawberries from Douglas Orchards |
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