Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weeds and Thinnings: Greens and More Greens

Pigweed weeded out of the garden and onto the dinnerplate

Beet greens and kohlrabi leaves from thinnings
One of the best things about gardening is getting to eat the weeds and thinnings.

Pigweed, cress, purslane, young dandelion leaves, and many other garden weeds are delectable 'specialty greens' that commandeer high prices at upscale food markets. The young leaves of beets, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabegas, even carrots are delightful in salad, or mixed together and sauteed with the first garlic scapes, chives or new onions, a sprinkle of sugar, and a splash of hot sauce. Over brown rice topped with a fried egg, they make a perfect early summer meal that is economical and packed with nutrients.

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